Signmaster pro font

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The font files have up and down red arrows, a black icon and a couple black icons with lines through them (see last image uploaded). The files that don't have missing data only have four icons to choose from: Optimized/whole area, wireframe/filled view, all colors, and black (the color of my text). All they way to the right you'll see additional layers (not sure what to call them) where you can cut by color. I have attached a couple screen shots of SignCut where part of the image is missing. One thing I've noticed about all the path converted text files is that there are extra layers showing up in SC that don't show up when I send image files to SC. I've tried to get help from Signcut, but they are useless (sorry, but I am ticked).

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The system is virtually clean of ANY programs except these and AVG antivirus and Thunderbird for my email. So I wiped the new system completely clean and did a fresh install of INkscape and SC. I thought maybe some fonts I had transferred from another computer were the problem and, no matter what I tried I could not fix the problem. I just completely wiped out my hard drive and did a clean install of Windows 7. Image files work fine, but converted font files only show a portion of the font and do not cut right. 47 and SignCut Pro and cannot get any font files that have been converted to paths to cut.

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I just got a new computer and downloaded Inkscape.

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